Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Tugas Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2



Part A

1. Where does the girl … now.

Answer = D. work

Reason = karena kalimat tanya maka verb yang digunakan verb pertama.

2. Some of my classmates … English course now.

Answer = C. take

Reason = karena subjek plural maka verb yang digunakan bentuk semula.

3. When she arrived at home, her parent … TV.

Answer = B. were watching

Reason = karena verb yang dipakai past continuous tense.

4. What was he … at 8 o’clock last night.

Answer = B. did

Reason = karena keterangan waktunya lampau maka tenses yang digunakan past tense.

Part B

Written Expression

19. There were a lot of guest who came to their wedding party last night.

Answer = C. guest

Reason = karena jumlahnya plural harusnya ada tambahan ‘s’ dibelakangnya -> guests

20. All of the students are camp on one of the lower slopes of the mountain at the moment.

Answer = B. camp on

Reason = keterangan waktunya ‘at this moment’ maka verbnya ditambah ‘-ing’ dibelakangnya -> camping on

21. There is some children who always play near the swimming pool in the afternoon.

Answer = A. there is

Reason = ‘some children’ ( jumlah plural ) maka to be yang dipakai harusnya ‘are’ -> there are

23. The books are very interesting but I do not have any money to buy their.

Answer = D. to buy their

Reason = harusnya memakai kata ganti orang jamak ketiga -> them

Jumat, 15 April 2011

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2



Part A

1. The woman … here three days ago

A. She comes

B. Came

C. Comes

D. Coming

The sentence above should read, “ The woman came here three days ago ‘’. Therefore, you should choose ( B )

2. … Usually goes jogging on Sundays.

A. Are

B. Every day

C. My sister

D. The children

The sentence above should read, “ My sister usually goes jogging on Sundays ‘’. Therefore, you should choose ( C )

3. There were … on the table yesterday morning.

A. It is water

B. Some water

C. Some oranges

D. Any mangoes

The sentence above should read, “There were some oranges on the table yesterday morning” . Therefore, you should choose ( C )

4. The … always walks in the park in the morning.

A. Children

B. Kids

C. Woman

D. Man

The sentence above should read, “ The man always walks in the park in the morning” Therefore, you should choose ( D )

Part B

16. How much is a kilos of appels in the supermarket now ?


Jawabanya adalah C, karena sudah ada articles ‘a’ jadi kilonya tak usah lagi ditambah ‘s’

17. Some students always arrives at school early in the morning.


Jawabanya adalah B, karena subjeetnya plural jadi verbnya kembali ke bentuk pertama.

20. Does your father and your mother always go jogging on Sundays ?


Jawabanya adalah A, karena seharusnya memakai Do karena subjectnya jamak.

21. There was certainly a newly car in the garage yesterday morning.


Jawabanya adalah C, karena newly tidak memakai tambahan ly, karena objek.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011


Test One
Part A

12. Does your mother need ... sugar ?
A. a lump of
B. a
C. pile of
D. an

The sentence above shoul read, " Does your mother need a lump of sugar".
Therefore, you should choose ( A )

13. He is eating ... cake.
A. a strand of
B. a bar of
C. a piece of
D. a block of

The sentence above shoul read,"He is eating a piece of cake".
Therefore, you should choose ( C )

14. There will be an interesting program ... television this evening.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. to

The sentence above shoul read, "There will be an interesting program on
television this evening". Therefore, you should choose ( B )

15. ... sun rises in the east.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. It

The sentence above shoul read," The sun rises in the east".
Therefore, you should choose ( C )


26. English is important and neither is mathematics

    A B C D

The sentence above shoul read, “ English is important and eiter is mathematics”.

Therefore, you should choose ( C )

  1. How many child do Mr. and Mrs Nathan have ?

    A B C D

The sentence above shoul read, “How many childs do Mr. And Mrs Nathan have”.

Therefore, you should choose ( B )

  1. Do Ann and her husband still lives in this city ?

      A B C D

The sentence above shoul read,“ Do Ann and her husband still live in this city”.

Therefore, you should choose ( C )

  1. They spent too many time to finish the simple project.


The sentence above shoul read, “They spent too mach time to finish the simple project”

Therefore, you should choose ( B )